Being Coil an International platform, I thought about doing a chronicle regarding the spreading of the Coronavirus CoViD19 ( Corona Virus Desease) and the real impact it is having in our daily life here in my Country: Italy.

As you all know, today Italy is the third Country in the world for number of Covid19 confirmed cases…pretty bad trophy.

The time of writing is Monday the 24th of February and just from yesterday, the Regione Veneto, Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Alto Adige, took special countermeasures against the diffusion of the virus such as closing all the cult sites, discos, all the main public events included the Venice Carnival, schools and Universities.

We had known about the first case just some day ago, on Tuesday the 18th and from there, there has been an escalation in terms of bad news. At the moment our last bulletin amounts at 204 cases and 7 deaths.

Consider this: on Saturday, this past Saturday, 4 days after the first case, me as many other people, went to the main shopping center to get some extra food just in case the supply chain gets stopped. Already today some of my colleagues at work reported me that the food into the main markets was already almost over.

What I considered, is not only the impact of the virus on the health, in the end I am in that age range which should be safe, I am on my 30’s and in overall very good shape but…having two kids I cared most about having something on the table.

I live in Regione Marche, which is not so far from Lombardia, the most affected Region in Italy for the moment. This morning, we received an announcement that in few days, most probably tomorrow, will be put in order instructions on National level, valid all over our Country so to deal with this issue in coordinate manner.

This is an unprecedented measure.

Now the good news! Doctors and Pediatricians, all agrees on this points:

This is a NEW virus so NO ONE has already antibodies to fight it…in due time most of the world population will get touched by it in some way and our body will adapt to it.

Childrens are NOT in danger. This because their immune system is ready to take on any kind of virus and bacteria. At the moment there are no records about any children’s severe case from this new Corona Virus. It could manifest in childrens like a common flu and in many cases without even showing fever.

The very same applies to healthy people.

For those on their 60’s or those with an already weak immune system, the stats so far tells that over 100 people, 20 will suffer pneumonia and overthose 20, more or less 5 people will need to be recovered in hospital under specific treatment.

This applies IF we are able to contain properly the diffusion of the virus, meaning if not too many people take the same illness all together.

Here comes into play the use of the masks. Masks has to be specific Ffp3. This is not only to protect you from the external sources but also to protect the others from you. By the use of the masks we can dilate the time of contraction of the virus, so not to take the hospitals into assault from an unbearable wave of cases.

These are all the news from Italy so far.

Stay tuned.
