#3: Responsibility
CIAO to you all, people. ❤
I hope you are doing fine and that you all, or almost all…..come on….at least someone... 😱
I was trying to say before the paranoia step in..I hope that you enjoyed the PHASE ONE and the PHASE TWO of this guide. 😁
If you have not read it yet, please go back before reading further to understand the approach I am offering to you.
As you can see, I'm not making up anything new.
What I want to do is to leave you with a PRACTICAL and original strategy to be able to deal with the pitfalls of your mind like I did for my Self, plus with a way to TRAIN your mind to accomplish specific tasks in repetition, like you would do if your brain was a muscles to build up.
We aren’t born being skilled dancers or players or whatever…. We train our body to move in a certain way, so to become skilled. We do this by repeating the same moves, STEP BY STEP until, in the end, the moves comes to us without effort as the music goes.
Now, do the same to become a skilled dancer while the music of your own life goes into play. 😁🕺
No matter what kind of music it will be, you’ll be ready to step into the dancefloor and kill the stage.
Let’s get down to the business.
This paper is meant for you to take your next step over the responsibility you have in ALL the circumstances in which you were involved.
You know from the past sections, that you should be always dealing for first, with the easiest thing you selected in your FIRST PAPER.
Always in the same order, deal with the situations you wrote down in list one, to identify and write down where was your responsibility in each case, where your mind tricked you and brought you to make unhealthy choices that lead you in an even worst position (emotionally), than being more loving, comprehensive or patient for instance.
I know this stage is hard because it puts you in the position to say “I made a mistake” or “it was my fault”. Many people find really hard to put aside their ego. This is why you always should begin with the easiest or lightest events. Your brain, with a level of awareness that changes for each person, by doing this over and over, will make new connections and will build new patterns of thought where YOU, in time will be able to accept YOUR part of responsibility that is embedded in every unpleasant situation.
MANY times…..the great majority, especially in interpersonal relationships, we come to a point where we can’t recognize who was the the first one to set the fire off. What I suggest you for YOUR BEST INTEREST is to leave the negativity from the other parts to them and just analyze and consider YOUR OWN part of responsibility.
Leave the burden of things that aren’t yours to its rightful owner. Everyone has to deal with its own things.
Are you interested to keep the weights of another person?
THIS is crucial for you to create FUTURE EVOLUTION for your Self trough your life.
Now I will make a very UNpopular statement where I already know will loose a lot of people.
WE aren’t ONLY RESPONSIBLE for the most part of the things that happens into our lives. WE are THE ONLY RESPONSIBLE at 100% for our own FEELINGS and EMOTIONS.
Just by accepting this statement as it is, you will make for your Self so much improvement in “dancing” in the proper way, that you can’t even imagine. This point of perception changes EVERYTHING.
Final Advice for today:
The main objective is always NOT to focus on the fact itself, BUT on the EMOTION that brought you to catalog that particular fact as an uncomfortable situation.
Always work on the EMOTION and not on the outcome and figure out with your imagination a plan for you to get out in a better position in the future.
Lancia ☀️
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